The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Fair play. It seems like only yesterday he was teaching 4th class

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Egghead is flying it, people just need to be patient. As long as supply is our only constraint we are doing well.

Stormont can organise a vaccination program better than the Irish government.
There’s something to think about.


Is it really?

Maybe not for you

No mention of the J&J vaccine in the above. If that gets approved the rollout will be even faster.

The Government are trying to get the AZ vaccine delivered ahead of approval and sent out to GPs and pharmacies so that if it does get approved on the 29th, people can get vaccinated straight away…

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Good ambitious plan

We’ll have a meaningful Christmas.

I was talking to someone very senior in the medical world over the weekend, and he said the Oxford vaccine is a complete gamechanger.

We will be getting a load of it very quickly once its approved and the GP’s will work round the clock to get it into arms.

He’s confident we’ll all be supping pints some time between late April and early June.

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I still see fellas popping in with comments that our vaccine roll out is a disaster while others are saying we are now one of the best in the world. Its either one or the other can we have facts to put this to bed please?

what do you think?

It was the worst in the world for the first few weeks, but now it’s the best in European Union (going by the opaque data provided by the HSE).

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I haven’t a clue I don’t know anything about vaccine roll out

The GPs vaccinated well over 1m people in 12 weeks with the flu vaccine.

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I’d safely say nobody on here has


People aren’t factoring that in many European countries people simply won’t take the vaccine.

But if we’ve all been vaccinated, do we (should we) care?

Nope but I’m saying there isn’t much point in comparing yourself to countries like France or Italy.

I am going to appoint you as the authorative source for detail on the vaccine roll out now that the bad weather threat has abated

A fine looking graphic. Ill be happy if they can deliver that and open up by may when the vulnerable are sorted. Ideally not perfect or fast enough but its a good start. #greenjerseys