The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Is that the same guy who didnā€™t support mask wearing & social distancing? He was a herd immunity type I think who as a microbiologist should have known better what herd immunity means. Ireland had another de Brun did we not whose name became tarnished?


Sure anyone who can smell a fart or get a whiff of cigarette smoke from 20 feet away knows masks and social distancing are ua load of bunkum, you hardly need a degree in microbiology.


OK. Carry on.

ā€œIā€™m in the hospital ā€œ
ā€œYou OK hun?ā€
ā€œDonā€™t even askā€

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I did LOL

Defibrillators are fucking wonderful. Another life saved there and well done to all who acted so quickly.

Now letā€™s apply anti-vaccine ā€œlogicā€ to defibrillators to construct a bullshit ā€œargumentā€ against them.

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You need to get a hobby mate.


Donā€™t fucking tag me in your mental shit.


I didnā€™t ā€œtagā€ you, mate, and nor was my post remotely ā€œmentalā€, it was very sensible and a deadly serious one.

I used your post - which described a real world event where a life was thankfully saved by a vital medical device - as a cue to demonstrate how medical disinformation kills.

Thatā€™s exactly what discussion is supposed to do. You take something that happens in the real world, and use it demonstrate a wider point.

If people engaged in anti-defibrillator disinformation, they would rightly be called out for it. The case for defibrillators is blindingly obvious - the Christian Eriksen incident demonstrated it on live television in front of the world. Eriksen, and probably your friend too, would be dead only for those defibrillators.

But yet here, on this forum, and elsewhere, a disinformation campaign against vaccines is tolerated.

Great as defibrillators are, the amount of lives they save is a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of lives vaccines save.

An anti-defibrillator ā€œmovementā€ in society would not be tolerated and those who were the ā€œspokespeopleā€ for such would be publicly vilified. The case for defibrillators is overwhelming and the case against them is non-existent. One would have to dive deep into the realms of fantastical conspiracy theory to make one - as is the case with vaccines.

So why should an anti-vaccine campaign be tolerated, given that the case for vaccines is even clearer than the already crystal clear case for defibrillators?

The case for both is the same - saving lives.

This forum tolerates genuine anti-vaxxers. Would it tolerate genuine anti-defibrillator posters?

What do you think?

Far from being a ā€œmentalā€ one - the point Iā€™m making is a deadly serious one. And you - having seen a team mate nearly die only a couple of days ago - are the person who should realise that most of all - rather than taking the side of medical disinformation.

Iā€™m not taking any side. Youā€™ve used my post to go off on one to try score points. Donā€™t involve me in it. Simple as. I wonā€™t be replying anymore to you.


Youā€™re offended at anti-vaxxers being satirised?

Takes all sorts, I suppose.

Why do you think nobody is anti defibrillator but loads of people are anti vaccine ?

Because thereā€™s an obvious visibility element with defibrillators that isnā€™t there with vaccines. Defibrillators bring a person who is all but dead back to life. Thereā€™s a huge shock factor associated with these events, as anybody who saw the Eriksen incident live will know. Itā€™s incredibly frightening. These sort of incidents are almost like plane crashes or shark attacks in terms of how we psychologically fear them. They are rare but the possibility that a seemingly fit and healthy young person could just collapse and die without warning is there in the back of our minds, because weā€™ve all seen or heard of these tragedies.

Whereas succesful prevention of a problem that causes death, ie. serious illness due to Covid, is a much less tangible thing. Itā€™s a more abstract concept to grapple with and some people are pig headed enough to refuse to understand it. And deaths from Covid and other diseases that are preventable by vaccine are much more out of sight, out of mind, unless youā€™ve personally experienced one.

But these deaths are no less real, and the saving of lives by vaccines are no less real. And in numerical terms the saving of lives by vaccines is much greater than by defibrillator.

In terms of the psychological dimension of why there is much more rejection of vaccines than defibrillators, Shane Crotty explains it well.

Lovely hurling by Bret

Great stuff. Vaccines for all.


Great news for endangered species and wildlife in general in this region

Wasnā€™t somebody that the anti vaxxers on twitter love to hate gone out to Africa doing research on Malaria vaccine?
I recall a lot of dreadful sarcasm recently

Gerry Killeen, the man who prevented 3 previous pandemics.


Wasnā€™t somebody somewhere somehow something something.


Must be from Cork