Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

@locke pour vous


Well done pal. You must be very proud.

I know it means just as much to you as it does I. I’d let my standards slip in recent weeks, I just wanted you to know I was back mate. Back.

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definitely one to print off and stick to the fridge


I’m gonna get a fella to carve it onto a tablet



We’d a Christian Erickson moment after our match today. The other teams were warming up when one of them collapsed. Straight away you could tell there was something serious happening. He was put in the recovery position and started fitting. 3 of our team are medics so rushed on the to the pitch to give him CPR while the ambulance came. One of the players wives was also there and she’s a doctor too. He had no pulse at one stage and when I got there with the defibrillator his face was grey. Thankfully the lads got him breathing again and used the defibrillator. The ambulances were there with 2 minutes of the 999 call. Without doubt the Defibrillator and the 4 doctors who were there saved his life. We’ve heard he’s doing well in hospital.

Today was also the first time we were allowed use the dressing rooms since Covid which is why we were all still around.

Every place should have a defibrillator that’s accessible.


Sounds horrific credit to everyone involved in ensuring the best possible outcome

To be honest it’s shaken me. One of the doctors wasn’t even going to play today while another , it was his first game for us. Dread to think what would have happened if they weren’t there

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Fantastic hes doing well. Hope all players involved are doing okay after that happening too.

That also saved his life. That’s some response time, where are you?

Birmingham. Pitch is very close to the hospital in fairness. Still some going.



I had to had to use one recently and it really highlighted the importance of having one close by. The catch in rural areas is getting an electrical connection and also ensuring they are serviced and checked regularly.

4 doctors, it most definitely wasnt that fellas time


Well done lad fair play to ye.


A good job it wasn’t 4 accountants anyhow. There’d have been arguments about methods and assorted issues as the life drained out of the poor man.


They only have been able to form an opinion if the poor chap told them he was having a heart attack.


They’d have sorted out the inheritance tax on the spot.

Thank fuck mate. glad to hear the chap survived