The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

The Brits have really let the side down here.

At it agin.

Is it really that big of a setback. 300k is still another 150k vaccinated from Oxford AZ alone. Pfizer should do similar by then and Moderna another bit on top of that so all in all. Youā€™re probably looking at somewhere in the region of 300k-400k vaccinated by the end of March.

The line we were told at the beginning was that things were going to be slow anyway until after April.

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Itll cover the 20% most at risk. Solving 80% of hospital cases and deaths

@Thomas_Brady told the board that back in June but he was rounded upon, viciously, by @TheUlteriorMotive, @glasagusban and @Raylanā€¦who were all adamant that masks work

Where are your detractors now?

Eating their cocopops a little sheepishly Iā€™d guess.

Before they crawl back under the bed

History being furiously re-written by Dr Brady here.

We were hoping to have 700,000 done by the end of March

That figure was only bandied about around a fortnight ago. Before that we were told it will be April before things will get rocking on the vaccine so 300k-400k of the most at risk with their double jabs by the end of March is a decent return. Itā€™s more than 10% of the adult population in the south.

All over 65s in the north will have their first jab by end of Feb.

I assume it will be more than 400k.

We should have well over 150k with their first jab (at least) by the end of January, going by what Donnelly said.

Pfizer will increase from a base of 40k to 50k by March

Moderna may increase in that time too, not clear yet from what I can read but the EU have paid then a premium price for more doses so I can only assume itā€™s to expedite deliveries

Then weā€™ll have AZ

Iā€™d be looking at the fully vaccinated figures. I think if youā€™re hitting 400k by the end of March in terms of people with both jabs then itā€™s not a bad return. We were told from the outset that April/May was really the time where things were going to kick on so 400k would service quite a large cohort of front line workers and over 70s.

Iā€™d say it should be well over 400k anyway but we shall see.

Either way thatā€™s not a bad return. Hopefully the double jab figures will now be included in their weekly reports. The way things are it will be probably May by the time restrictions begin to roll back domestically so even allowing for production issues, the at risk categories should be covered by then.

Hopefully from then on itā€™s a fairly smooth run to spring 2022 when things begin to get back on track.

Israel should have answers provided by summertime.

How long are Israel leaving until the 2nd jab btw?

Surely to fuck the over lord of big pharma can intervene and use all of the global manufacturing capacity to contract manufacture this shit?

This carry on reminds me of Irish farmers all running shit businesses on adjoining farms with zero joined up thinking as to how maybe one high spec milking parlour might better serve 500 cows rather than 5 shit ones serving 100 cows each.


AZ mess is really bubbling up now. EU saying they are entitled to Borisā€™s UK produced vaccine stock to make up for short fall.

Good luck with that. Boris needs a win vs Europe to justify the shit show thatā€™s coming