The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

There will be some bollix for a few weeks with NPHET and others saying to take our time and that the restrictions are the reason why hospitals and deaths have solely closed so a slow reopening is needed.


I think the move yesterday to appoint 3 new faces to NPHET is to challenge theories like these. Apparently 2 of the 3 are not wedded to lockdowns or certainly have concerns with them than the incumbents. It seems like a preemptive move by government for a change of direction. If it was up to NPHET under the 2020 guise we would be locked down forever.


Holohan is nearly done… This is the dying sting of a wasp… Only your man Luke O’Neill had the foresight to see the end game and used his transferable skills to stay relevant beyond covid. Luke has played the long game here… Tony and Mcconkey will be forgotten come summer.


Holohan won’t go easy

They will have an awful job getting rid of Holohan

The North off to a decent start

About 2.5% of the population vaccinated to some extent already. At that pace they’ll have a serious dent made in the at risk population by the end of the month

The Oxford/AZ vaccine will help them a lot in terms of available supply. Unfortunately it looks like we’ll be waiting a while for that one to be approved by the EU.

Our best hope is the UK have excess stock and they feel sorry for us.
I believe they have 30m doses of Pfizer and 100m of AZ ordered which should cover them.

They probably have a load of Moderna too that they wont need.

I’m happy enough for the Brits to volunteer as human Guinea pigs on that one

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My wan will be getting the vaccine this week.


Indeed, a few forum simpletons do seem awed by his geetar playing …see the “he seems an alright sort” type comments. Next they’ll be telling us “did you hear he’s a brother a priest”

Hopefully we’ll have them up in the Hague shortly along with Esteban.


Does the licence also include a clean sti test? The barney curley ploughing championship with a front line workers special. Clapping for them and all

How many pallets?

Special criminal court for the cunt. Failing that maybe the hauge will take him

Looks like Stefan in Brussels has got the finger out after being filleted by Billy Kelleher of all people last night and Oxford/AZ will be approved in Europe by the end of the month.

End of the month. Jesus.
We’ll be well at the back of the queue for that one too

Open. It. Up. To. Fuck.

Another 3m vaccines for Ireland.

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The pubs can open for hospital staff by the end of the month. They’ll be like the Britiish army pubs the IRA used bomb in the 70s

We could ramp it up to 20,000 a week. Would only take 5 years then