The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

The could use the NCT centres booking system. Actually, while they are at, it they could vaccinate me when I go in for my test and then three weeks later when I go in for my retest

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How does Ivors soup taste?

Careful mate, before long you’ll be on a March with Gemma O’Doherty

That’s a stupid post. He’s the opposite

You’re a bit of a sheep’s hind leg

I love a good leg of lamb

I’m pretty sure all the epidemiologists here on TFK are also experts on mass roll outs of vaccinations.

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You’d imagine J&J and all the other vaccines who have been close to finishing their trials and the results look positive (or they bribe the regulatory bodies as big pharma do) have been flat out manufacturing and building up their stock supply for the last month or two. You’d expect the longer it takes for approval the higher the stock levels will be for distribution.

So I think what you are saying there is that TFK is responsible for government policy…

Posted on TFK -> Ewan reposts on Twitter-> the baying masses jump up and down -> FG policy makers drop it on Leo the leaks deal -> huzzah policy


Thats the plan. Cant expect anything more than that from civil servants. High level no detail. The plebs will praise us on twitter and we can work 9 to 5 Monday to Friday in a national emergency.

You would think with all the logistics experts we have in this country would the hse ask for help rather than get the inept folk in house to organise it

That’s not the plan it’s a Fine Gael infographic. For god’s sake.

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Exactly its now the plan. They are fucking clueless

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I see you’ve met the auld fella. He’s well outside his 5km limit tut tut Pops.

Ireland are so far ahead of schedule we are literally on the brink of throwing vaccines away

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In relation to, as the thread title explicitly states “The race for a vaccine”. Considering how for some diseases especially novel ones like this where it can take years to come up with a vaccine and thats assuming they are ever successful in that pursuit , how was it that 5 or 6 pharma companies were all able to reach the finish line at virtually the same time. Were they sharing information and R&D? Were they able to leverage off existing vaccines?

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You’re not allowed question big pharma.

@EstebanSexface will be forwarding you a NDA as we speak.

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you must be lonely son

A number of reasons, a big factor obviously the urgency and the billions of $ thrown at it. Collaboration between scientists globally. Coronaviruses are not new, there are hundreds of them and they have been studied for 50 years, so there was a lot of research to build on. The prior research into SARs and MERs. Advances in technologies like genome sequencing over the past few decades, which led to mRNA vaccines. Huge resources put into testing (money again).

It shows what can be done if the will is there, but at the end of the day the effort was driven by the economic hit to the most wealthy nations.


You forgot about operation warp speed

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It’s covered in the billions of $, $9 billion from the US government to 7 companies.