The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

Should this not be big news?


Yes but Israel bad

ā€¦ So the vaccine theyā€™ve given to half the population works?

That is good news.

Invermectin prevents transmission. 1.50 usd a tablet.
Just saying


Has meehawl told you you need to get another vaccine next year?

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Yes, and how has every single prior attempt at a coronavirus vaccine worked out?

No, no, no. The vaccine is the answer to all our prayers.

Vaccinating hundred year olds has downsides

So, if Iā€™m following the narrative correctly, it goes something like this:

Old people dying in nursing homes due to Covid: ā€œThis is a fucking travesty and something must be done about it. Shut everything down, quick!ā€

Old people dying in nursing homes from a rushed-through vaccine with inadequate safety data: ā€œOld people die in nursing homes every day. There is nothing to see here. Move on.ā€


There wasnā€™t much of an attempt as both SARS and MERS died out relatively quickly. The research continues at a low level and was important for some of the vaccines being released for SARS-2. The biggest breakthrough is the development of mRNA technology, an offshoot from cancer research.

Madness. Iā€™d say the profiteers just cant quite believe how easy this has turned out to be. Matt Hancock slipped in a detail about yearly covid vaccines and no one raised as much as a whimper. Unraleā€¦but trump something

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Yes that is correct

Be quiet you. Your lot up there are the reason weā€™re all fucked down here. Coming over the border and riddling us all with your Marc Francois variant .

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The reality is those that are most susceptible to Covid are unlikely to be helped by a vaccine. If you cannot develop an effective immune response to the virus you are not going to develop an effective immune response via a vaccine.

I think there is an ethical issue there in administering a vaccine to fragile elderly whose lifespan is already short, as they are unlikely to survive the immune response to the vaccine, no more than they can survive Covid. Itā€™s a tough call but the benefits may not be there for a lot of people in nursing homes.

No one knows shit

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You could easily swap out the administration of vaccines and lockdowns in that statement. Both are ethical issues.


No, we know that the great majority of people who contract Covid develop immunity and survive. For people at risk of serious disease, itā€™s better to develop immunity via a vaccine than contracting the disease. For people whoā€™s immune systems are severely compromised, sadly a vaccine may not work.

Yes, but they are different questions.


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Absolutely. Governments are throwing around lockdowns like they do no damage. COVID hasnā€™t done the damage to merit essentially putting the whole word on hold imo