The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus


The only thing they’re drip feeding is lies, propaganda and the news that lockdowns will be extended indefinitely.

Its almost as if lockdowns don’t work


Big Pharma saves us once again.

One shot in the arse and you’re straight down the pub.

The 200m doses to the EU will vaccinate 45% of the population alone.

Hup out that. Stick it in me

Pretty sure there’s a J&J factory in Limerick.
We’ll be lined up outside it in April and in full swing by May

Jansen are in cork. Unless they get into contact lenses it won’t be Limerick saving us


Is this a gamechanger?

It’s a game finisher.

Those lying german and eu scumbags should be ashamed of themselves turning the vaccine into a nationalistic battle, spreading lies about efficacy, the wankers are sore as fuck as John Bull is way ahead and they are still bitter about Brexit

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John Bull delighted with J&J. By the time Hermann approves it for EU use Boris will have most of the colonies vaccinated with it.

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How are the US doing with their vaccines to date?

100m doses of J&J by end of June is enough to vaccinate around 1/3 of the population. Along with Pfizer and Moderna they should be well on course.

You’re nearly there lads. This is why we take care of the likes of Pfizer and J&J boys.

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We are getting 200k AZ now instead of 20k over the course of Feb, really isn’t that bad of a reduction. Must be issues from March time but at least we can start mass vaccinating.

Disappointing that J&J won’t start until April, but they sound more confident and have the experience at least.

Should allow 100k over 70s to be vaccinated in a very brief period.

Science, Science, Science

Let the Germans have the AZ, we’ll take the J&J and pass em out down the straight.

Pint and a shot there barkeep

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If it works it’ll surely be fast tracked. That’s the game changer. One shot job done

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