The Racism thread

I didn’t need a youtube vid for that but if it spreads the word, great.

Dafuc’s a micro aggression?

Are you going to behave yourself this evening?

Microaggression is a term used for brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioural, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and insults toward any group, particularly culturally marginalized groups.

Essentially frequent sly snarky comments

Being cunty?

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A turbo cunt.

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These lads hate to see us grow as a nation.

Replace micro aggression with tfk and term with website and it reads well

I’m only on here to educate not to argue and have rows. To see my sterling work come to fruition as it did there with @Enrique above is it’s own reward for me


Micro cunty

Micro/macro. A cunt is a cunt

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Aye, but there is diet cunt and full fat cunt. The diet cunt is normally easy enough to deal with

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True. You can have more fun with a diet cunt. You need to have all your ducks in a row to deal with a full fat cunt. I found that out when I got the promotion. Both under me and above me.

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Well worth a watch.


I saw her tweet the other day (“George Floyd is neither a martyr nor a hero, but I hope his family gets justice”) and thought she was bang on.

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I don’t get the point of her video? Even if he had a kilo of weed stuck up his hole, he didn’t deserve to die in the way he did. As a side note, she looks like someone who’s modelling the preppy conservative Trump voting look…

What she is getting at is that when the cops murder these black lads the media portrays the black lads as saints when often times the black lads have criminal records.

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True, but was there any need to go through every crime he had committed? It’s a fair point though, but you won’t be allowed to get that point out there, as the wankers who marched last week will block you , or just stick their fingers in their ears and la la la la la it…

Anyone see the video doing the rounds of the young lad going to the Comp getting kicked on the ground by black lads from ard scoil after he posted a plain white background saying White Wednesday on Instagram? This shit needs to stop before it gets out of control.