The Racism thread

It’s your effing table own that shit.

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The new and improved version of my table

Ok, ok, I was a bit too quick off the mark there. I kind of shot first and asked questions later.


That’s as good as you can manage? You are pathetic, and you know it.

What happened to cause this fissure to open between @glasagusban and @TheUlteriorMotive?
Is there anything I can do to help/make it worse?

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TUM posted something in bad taste.

That’s all I know.

So it appears that the happy clappy all inclusive tv show, Glee, was a fertile ground for aggressive racists

They were some packs of cunts on that show, wasnt one if them a paedophile?

They were indeed. Mark salling was the nonce

Ryan Murphy is an utter cunt too

There was a black guy a while back who paid for some thugs to give him a racist beating - spray his skin with bleach, pretend to lynch him, that sort if thing - because he wanted the publicity. This may or may not have occurred in Chicago, I cant quite remember. Labane and Sid both fought about here it for a month because bizarrely they both seemed to think the incident said something deep about American politics. This was a big clue that they were both completely mental.

Anyway, did that lad have something to do with Glee as well, or am I wrong? Glee was some den of evil.

Jussie Smollett.

Empire, Jussie Smollett. Sid was wrong on that one, Smollet is still under indictment and will likely be convicted.

He’ll get a bigger sentence that the cop who suffocated an innocent man just to rub salt into gaping wounds.

He won’t, he will likely be sentenced to community service. The cop will get a minimum of 10 years.

Just like Bobby Baccala in the Sopranos shooting the rapper to give him street cred

@anon7035031 @Enrique etc please watch

What’s the jist bro, had a quick scan through?

There was someone saying we should judge every man on his merits, not by skin colour etc, I couldn’t agree more.

Good stuff. Never too late to learn about these things