The Racism thread

Did he mention his love of Na Piarsaigh GAA club?


Ah he missed a trick there not correcting the cunts English. Joe is slipping.

Thinking there of back in the 90s early 00s, people I know/knew who would have been educated (enough) , would have freely used the n word and g word for Asians. I always would have laughed it off or shook the head with a “arra jaysus you can’t use that word” and everyone would have laughed it off “ah you can’t say that. You’re racist” when in reality I should have walked out of room or told them to fuck up.


Hon Mattie


He’s not wrong

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In fairness to him he has a solid point.
If it was a Native American killed in such a way would anyone hear about it or give a token fuck.
If a traveller was killed in such a way would we have all these people out matching on our streets. Seems a wonderful thing to do when all the musicians, sports stars and film stars are on about it now. Two weeks ago it’s wasn’t half as trendy.

Yes I am cynical.

Ewan makes his money off the back of these sports stars/celebrities.

He’s basically slagging his own choice of profession here


They’re enslaving their own for thousands of years also, ongoing-

Mattie is a prick. What sort of insecure simpleton do you have to be to try and find an edge in equivocating on something so binary as that murder. Not alone unfortunately.


He’s right. Will we have a minute silence when a Maori or aborigine dies at the hands of police?

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Jesus the number of Aboriginal men killed by Australian police :cry:

Mattie doesn’t want a minute’s silence because he has calculated that taking this stance will appeal to the sort of selfish insular-“thinking” voter who supports him and his ilk. Nobody, including you, thinks this is about being fair to other victims.

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Good to see Madigan being exposed

An utter simpleton and an ignoramus. Plays well to some of the pig shit thick bigots like @Ambrose_McNulty that we have on here though.

Says the man who’s still got the blackout, in spite of it being last Tuesday.

Pisspants boy with a knockout blow there :joy: I may have to rebrand.

I despair at people posting videos from right wing anti immigrant accounts as “balance” on this topic. Some teenager getting beaten up by other teenagers is not a valid argument for or against racism.


He was calling out virtue signaling and latching onto a bandwagon. The dail surely has better things to be doing ffs than a minutes silence for a stranger brutality murdered 4000 miles away in another country.

You really are an awful stupid wanker.