The Racism thread

I don’t think we have much better to be doing. This isn’t a trivial matter.

He’s calling out what he thinks will appeal to the lowest common denominator. Nobody really thinks this is Mattie saving valuable Dail time.

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Maybe they could take the minute back off the summer recess.

What an ignorant cunt

Where does it stop? Your only going to offend someone when a minutes silence is refused for some other victim somewhere else. They could get on with business of forming a govt passing legislation. More on their line

Shocking misogyny

One teenager getting stabbed ,and beaten by a gang,he was on his own, totally innocent,old do your homework,ref Carrigaline incident

It has nothing to do with racism other than allowing people to suggest that racism is somehow justifiable.

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Racism isn’t justifiable to any Irish person,but let’s call it for what it was,a black gang attacked a white guy on his own,beat him up and then repeatedly stabbed him, incidentally I have the same scumbag repeatedly battering another guy on the head the day before also on the ground

I dont know kid. I probably would but I’d try my best to keep it under wraps

His race is nothing to do with it. It has no relevance on this topic except a lame excuse by people to argue that there are two sides to all this racism talk.


What happened in Carrigaline was disgusting and wrong. Why shouldn’t it be called out. Oh but it came from a right wing account so this somehow affects the veracity of the story or discredits it. People claiming whataboutery. Another fella in Limerick kicked repeatedly in the head while he was defenseless. Maybe if these issues are brushed over this is what generates bitterness and fuels racism as there is a perception that some people need to be held to account more than others.

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Point is if it happened the other way around it would be classed as racism

That’s some of his Ballincollig comrades this morning,that nor racism?

Came from his circle

Exact same crew all black from Ballincollig who threatened to tape a white female driver last year ,220 bus

That’s racism. One group of people asserting they are superior to another group based on their race. Not much more needs to be said about it.


Well it would depend on any context.

And it’s completely irrelevant here. If you want to cosy up to some anti immigrant, anti black extremists then go right ahead. If you think there’s a need for “balance” in any discussion on racism then I’d suggest your ignorance is profound.

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Nobody is saying it’s right. It is unspeakably ignorant to discuss it on a racism thread though as if it is somehow context or balance for racism.

And the suggestion that white people are held more to account than black people is truly moronic.


You really think a “gang” in Cork is going to choose Irish General Election 2020 as its twitter handle? And that it starts off as a Covid 19 scare account and suddenly it’s the official twitter account of a gang of black teenagers from Cork?

There will be much more subtle attempts at stoking up racism, but you’ve fallen for a really obvious fake.