The Racism thread

Actually listen to the whole thing , it might open up your eyes


We have the same system here in everything but name. Unarmed regulars backed up by armed ERU.

Unfortunately to the eyes of some the profiling of people works. New York being a prime example. I know lots of left liberal types who all voted for Giuliani. And do say that before his crack down new York was not a safe place. The same for Bloomberg.

It opens with “our leaders are kneeling before the mob, the ritual of defeat” if you think that is going to be conducive to a reasoned outlook in the rest of the segment, watch, I turned off at that point

I couldnt be arsed changing it , the man who never made a mistake and all that . Mr underscore my name , why would start off a name with a small t . (The_ man_himself) dont lecture me!

Did you finish primary school?

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College, a honours degree .

A UCC grad if ever I saw wan

Have you lost your ability to write since then?

Don’t be a prick

It’s for everyone’s good

You can be a prick all you like on here. It’s in the T’s & C’s.

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It isn’t. People can have problems with words and still get educated.

Argue the point and don’t be a wanker

We expect a certain standard of prose on here. It’s good to remind people of that from time to time.

You’ve followed that directive to a tee mate

There’s no point in arguing the point with a racist

I’m better than you , always know that , and if you forget , I will remind you ! Did you understand that ? @the_man_himself . You understand my lingo ? A true keyboard warrior.

It’s also expected that you’ll be a wanker, given the choice of being a wanker and not being a wanker. Doesn’t make it right

Be grand.

So you’ll revert to base insults yourself. Fair enough