The Racism thread

That is a very profound observation.

Did you try the miwadi and sparkling water yet?

I did. It’s unreal cream.

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Meanwhile @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is outside the yacht club with a big sign "White claw now in stock "

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Don’t be posting racist facts here pal. It’s not fair.

I think the past few months here have shown why men need sports. Once you get into viewing politics like competing football clubs everyone is completely fucked.

It’s been very heroic of Rocko to run a sports forum in a country where all sports have been banned for 3 months.

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Is @anon26343222 the stupidest fucker ever to post here? Any stats?

You got offended again. surprise surprise

Do you have friends in the real world ! I seriously doubt it .

Trump trump trump

the football lads ran the BLM out of town

My goodness, we have some collection of dimwits on here, surprised to see @Rocko among them but there you go. Rather than respond to all the usual drivel, let me just expose the child like argument of the usual suspects, “Black men are disproportionately killed by police”, therefore racism. Another variant on this argument is “black men disproportionally make up the prison population”. therefore racism.

The easiest way to explain an issue to simpletons is via analogy, even though some simpletons don’t understand the concept, but it’s the best shot you have. 90% of the US prison population are male and 10% female. Thus, there is clearly a huge bias against men in the US judicial system, right? Wrong, 90% of the prison population are male because males commit at least 90% of violent crime.

Here are the facts. The proportion of black men arrested by police closely matches the proportion of offenders identified by victims. Not by racist police, by victims. Blacks represent 13% of the US population, yet commit 52% of homicides and 40% of overall violent crimes. The great majority of the victims of these crimes are blacks, 93% of black people murdered are murdered by fellow blacks. Who do you think responds to the 911 call when someone is murdered?

The simple answer as to why black men are disproportionality imprisoned and shot by police is because black men commit disproportionately more violent crime compared to other races, strangely enough by roughly the same proportion 3:1. The great majority of not just black men but all men shot dead by police (roughly 1,000 per year) are shot in violent confrontations, 55% of them are white, 23% black and 22% Hispanic and other races. This does not in any way condone unjustified murders by police, there are at least 5-10 of these every year, and yes the majority are black men. There are 50-100 cops killed in the line of duty each year, and yes the majority killed by black men. Strangely enough these things are related.

The much more difficult question is why this is, why do black men commit such a high proportion of violent crime and murder. There are no easy answers there I’m afraid, but the simple answer that it’s due to poverty just doesn’t explain it. Not when you consider 22% of the black community live in poverty and 19% of the Hispanic community live in poverty, yet the violent crime rate among Hispanics is 30% of the rate of blacks. It’s a factor no doubt, as is racism, but nowhere near explaining the disparity. Maybe @rocko can explain to us why poor black men disproportionately kill other black men (and women and children) at a rate that dwarfs the poor of other races.


Why don’t you tell us since you’re making the claim

What claim am I making?

You don’t know?

Nobody knows, the question has been studied for decades and there is no convincing answer. It’s an incredibly complex problem, and we no better answers than we have for Covid-19.

Why don’t you fucking tell us ya genius?

I’d say it’s because blacks are cunts, are you going to tell me different? Are you going to provide some balance on the forum?

Most Blacks are not cunts, the opposite in fact, fine people.

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Oh what a fucking crock of shit, the left has talked about this at length, you’ve just decided to ignore what they’ve been saying because it comes from the left.

Answers that have been given include the long-term effects of slavery on the African-American community, especially the aspect of slavery that was a 200+ year war on the African-American community and the long term collapse of self-esteem in the African American male. Also the perception that grew from the experience of slavery that life and success was about having a monopoly on violence.

This was all said on this forum by many different posters within the past few weeks, including my many “anti-woke” or fairly right-wing posters, you just decided to ignore all of it and then leave a hanging rhetorical question, why are the blacks more violent. Of course, having deliberately wiped the accurate or thoughtful answers out you were leaving the forum with only the racist answers remaining.