The Racism thread

Do you think part of the problem may be harassment or young black males? That harassment has continued unabated and unchecked for decades, so much so that it’s made it’s way into popular culture.

Do you think maybe having reality tv shows based on policing and encouraging dramatic responses for ratings was a good idea?

You’re actually a fucking disgrace

My goodness we have an awful lot of irrelevance in one post again.

You have an absolute thicko saying there were 10 black people killed by police in the US last year. And another quarter wit comparing absolute numbers to sections of the population and completely failing to grasp the folly of this argument.

And lo and behold our self proclaimed self made hero rolls out of bed to explain all sorts of stats to us apart from those anyone was actually debating about the numbers of black people killed by the police every day. Asking ridiculous questions that have been answered countless times as though our enlightened thinker was the first to wonder on the fate of those who don’t share any of his background but who need to be told what they should and shouldn’t care about.


The left are the one’s most responsible for the problem. Literally every US city with massive levels of violent crime are run by progressive liberals. Minneapolis is a fine example, ran by progressive liberals for decades, Chicago the same, Baltimore the same. Why haven’t they solved the problems? They have huge budgets, they manage their police force, they have the education budget, the criminal justice budget.

Why are leftists so great at shouting racism but utterly useless at doing anything to solve these problems? The answer of course is because leftists in general are useless cunts.


My entire post was about the number of black people killed by the police each year and why that is. No surprise you missed it. The great majority of black men killed by police, just like the great majority of all men killed by police, are killed in violent confrontations with police after a violent crime has been committed.

Debate that.

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There is no question that racial profiling by police is a huge problem and one of the many issues that needs to be addressed. The great majority of young black men are law abiding citizens and are treated unfairly. It doesn’t explain black men shooting other black men though.

It’s not about fucking football teams you fucking spastic, it’s about answers were given to the question you posed but you decided to just completely ignore them because the answers originated from the left. The rest of that post is just confirming my point, that you won’t listen to any answer to a question if the answer originated on the left.

Like I said earlier today, the past few weeks on this thread is the perfect demonstration of why men needs sports and once politics gets to the level where it’s like you’re following a football team everybody in a society is fucked. And you are the ultimate demonstrator of that. You were comparing Rocko having liberal politics to following Celtic at one stage.

You’ve been swallowed completely, for all your intelligence you haven’t the self-awareness to see what’s happened to you or maybe you just don’t care. You badly need Sid back.

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@anon7035031 showing remarkable patience here


The white lads living in Ireland truly understand the plight of the poor black man in America, having walked in their boots apparently.


Plenty of posts since this morning what did I miss? Has there been another killing?

Are you surprised? @anon7035031 is a racist. That was racist a post as I’ve seen. Worse in fact, he tried to dress up.

Labane is a complete scumbag.

I wasn’t, go back and read it again. You can’t be taken seriously if you continue to misrepresent the opinions of others.

The psni felt the rev Billie hallidays collar yesterday, because he made some disparaging remark or other about blacks, protestors or something or other. They’d damn all to say when he went off on one about Catholics and their hellish ways…despite a local history of sectarian vmurder.
Lads here just dont seem to care.


There was nothing racist in my post, it was simply stating facts that soft cock leftists like yourself don’t have the intellect or testicles to confront.

Thomas Sewell and many other black American academics make exactly the same points I made above. Are they also racists?

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This from the fella whose whole family died in the famine so he couldn’t possibly be a racist. :smiley:

As I said before, lads like @glasagusban were marching against apartheid in South Africa while apartheid was going on 50 miles north of them. Cowards basically.


Another stellar contribution, what a dimwit you are.


Is the idea true that the democratics in America Have mugged a lot of the blacks in America for votes?

Careful now lads . All we need is the crackpot of that half Italian, half Tyrone man to jump in here and that will push us over the edge.

Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

The lads around here would label him an Uncle Tom for daring to speak his individual opinion, Candace Owens was targeted here recently too so a nice mix of sexism and hypocrisy from the self styled defenders of oppressed minorities.