The Racism thread

New neighbours moved in there last week. They’re coming to us this evening for a bit of grub and a few drinks


Another one of your typical bullshit alt right false comparisons comparing apartheid to NI. Calling the famine genocide. “I can’t be racist sure I’m Irish”. Pretending to be a victim. Pathetic. That you continue to trot this shit out shows you are a racist. As if we need any more evidence.

Absolutely, the only time they are interested in the issues confronting the poor black community are in election years.

Here’s another black academic making the same arguments as @labane1917. Must be a racist.

Eh the great majority of people aren’t killed at all. Debate that.

Your argument is now reduced to attempting to explain that the majority of killings are grand so let’s mention that any time there’s a bad one. Well that’s obviously preposterous. But you’ve convinced yourself in your own little vaccum that this “context” is worth mentioning and defending until you tire yourself out.

If you want to have a go at stats, have a read over the topic and pick apart the lunacy from the other right wing headbangers. Your efforts to appear insightful are sadly only exposing your lack of emotional balance because in all the barriers you have put up to define yourself by, you’ve allowed yourself to explain away horrible deaths by framing them in irrelevant noise.

I’d pity you if you were worth the trouble.


Spoken like a true disciple of Sidney.

NI was the same as apartheid?

Northern Ireland was an apartheid state, supported by little men like yourself in the Irish government. Shame on you you spineless little coward.

The famine was a genocide by the UN definition of genocide. No surprise a little lickspittle like yourself wants to defend the English version of history.


Save your pity for the victims of violent crime. You know, that overwhelming proportion of victims of violence that BLM supporters like yourself don’t give a shit about.

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NI was unjust and disgraceful. It wasn’t apartheid SA. Comparing the two is pathetic.

The famine was appalling, sickening and evil. It wasn’t genocide.

This pretend victim stuff is pathetic.

Tell us again how upset you were at your whole family dying in the famine you poor little victim.

Irony meter reaching critical levels here :rofl:


Shur lads theres very little difference between extreme left and extreme right anyway. Only difference is that left dont give a shit who starts the violence and the right would prefer if you were white.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

It might blow Labane’s mind to know that liberals have in fact been discussing the legacy of slavery for some time. I remember when Obama made his “More Perfect Union” speech and I couldn’t understand at the time why it was being described as one of the greatest American speeches on race of all time because I thought that everything that he said just seemed so basic and common-sense. Then I see the shite that Labane spews and realise why people thought it was great. Obama’s speech contained this little segment, which might interest Labane:

Legalized discrimination — where blacks were prevented, often through violence, from owning property, or loans were not granted to African-American business owners, or black homeowners could not access FHA mortgages, or blacks were excluded from unions or the police force or the fire department — meant that black families could not amass any meaningful wealth to bequeath to future generations. That history helps explain the wealth and income gap between blacks and whites, and the concentrated pockets of poverty that persist in so many of today’s urban and rural communities.

A lack of economic opportunity among black men, and the shame and frustration that came from not being able to provide for one’s family contributed to the erosion of black families — a problem that welfare policies for many years may have worsened. And the lack of basic services in so many urban black neighborhoods — parks for kids to play in, police walking the beat, regular garbage pickup, building code enforcement — all helped create a cycle of violence, blight and neglect that continues to haunt us.

My God, liberals discussing violence and the legacy of slavery in black communities! Wow!

Through the grace of God I’m not American and I can’t waste any more time on this nonsense.



10 innocent you fucking dope and 6 of them had guns on them

I find the obsession with America in Ireland very annoying


Ahhh shut your mouth

Would you like to explain that PM you sent to me earlier? I don’t understand it

:joy::joy::joy: I think you lost your credibility a golf few hours ago now. If only you had the self respect to stay away from the topic afterwards! But I’m guessing you’re not the reflective type.

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1Ask me nicely,
2Apologise to me
3Stop been a cheeky cunt !

Golf hours :joy::roll_eyes: