The Racism thread

No to violence and looting. No kneeling.

No to cheering on neo nazis

You again FML

What are you going to do when the priest tells you to kneel down?

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Reports the police chief has already resigned

Oh god here we go again.

Who was cheering on neo nazis? Have you posts to back up your bullshit today

See above


Time you woke up

fighting two cops making a valid arrest and then stealing a tazer? That’s why he was shot,not for falling asleep unfortunately

Trigger warning indeed

You need to start copping on to yourself now

So resisting arrest and stealing a weapon is a valid protest now?


Shooting a defenseless man dead okay with you I take it?

He doesn’t know yet. He’s waiting for Labane!

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He was resisting a valid arrest and stole a tazer from a cop, can’t see from that video whether they had to shoot him but they certainly had to stop him

If he arrives are you gonna run away from his questions again. Cowardly cunt.

Could they not just shoot him in the leg for fuck sake.

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