The Racism thread

You’re not being serious here I hope

Sure they can’t have to shoot to put him down

You can’t see what happened out of camera either so are just guessing same as me

I’m a happy go lucky lad who loves his family and friends . I dont have time to be wasting with neo nazis or black lives matter movements. The only issue I have is people defacing history and pulling films and art . Easy call names , il be the better man and not lower myself to your level.

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Oh don’t join in please. I’m laughing at you. Not with you.

Aw no am I in trouble with the pretend IRA now.

@anon7035031 shift in the Ihop will be over shortly and he’ll be here to wipe your nose.

God you are an absolute dullard, I pointed that out before but you just can’t learn


Confirmed. Don’t know why he didn’t just listen to @maroonandwhite

Sure that’s just a political decision. Are charges being brought against the cop who shot?

Only happened today bud. I’d imagine so, murder was still a criminal offense in the US last I heard. Even for cops

Sure time will tell when the truth comes out, maybe they will maybe they won’t. No point speculating or passing judgment yet really. The tweet above states man falls asleep they call the cops who kill him. Kinda leaves out a few key elements.

Imagine being dumb enough or cowardly enough to watch that video and not find it barbaric.

Chief of Police of Atlanta resigns. Mayor of Atlanta says she doesn’t believe it was a justified use of deadly force. The lad who can’t think for himself on here finds it hard to decide because he hasn’t been told it’s an open and shut case like the George Floyd one yet. God help him.

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Your hero Hieronymus Bosch wouldn’t have shot him

Like the word racist before cops you mean?

Wait have you proof race was a factor here,this is huge

Close the courts,the mayor of Atlanta’s tweets are all that’s needed to prove guilt in woke land

Its actually sickening at this stage

Mick is a grand fella for a kerryman

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No the chief of police resigned for the craic