The racism thread

@Rocko can you please ban @myboyblue from switching thread titles. It adds nothing to the forum or maybe just ban the racist in general.

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Give it a rest you weasel.

What are the thoughts on the black lad being shot in Atlanta ? I canā€™t say Iā€™m one bit surprised he was shot. I thought that wouldnā€™t be standard enough in America. My mother would always be warning me if Iā€™m going to America To not fool around with the police.

The outrage on here was deafening, in America, not so much . I had to go digging through the CNN archive to find it

Yeah. I saw the video there. Your man didnā€™t help himself tbf. But looks like a case of excess force at a minimum.

Iā€™m surprised anybody is surprised. I presumed if you done that youā€™d be shot. Donā€™t think it makes it ok either.

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No it doesnā€™t make it ok. You are correct. The difference in this case is that the murder of George Floyd was blatant and could be argued to be pre meditated. This wasnā€™t

Iā€™d agree. I thought that behaviour was standard enough from the American police.

It probably is but with social media itā€™s not as easy to justify these days

Its pretend outrage .its cool to be woke now with people .


I donā€™t think itā€™s acceptable to refer to African/American folk as ā€œblack ladsā€ in the current circumstances.
The days of Johnny Gilesā€™ type punditry are well goneā€¦ "If they can get up to theā€¦ "

Context is everything boss.

I think african/american is the more offensive term these days. Not all black people are african/american for example.


Correct. If Iā€™m not mistaken they used to be referred to as ā€œcoloured peopleā€ but it switched back to black people after a while because that was apparently offensive.

About time the term ā€˜africanā€™ was closely inspected for bias. My tanzanian friends hate getting lumped in with the moroccansā€¦they set them as white apparently.

I donā€™t get why ethnicity has to be prefaced at all. You never hear a description of a white lad did this or caucasian male doing that.

Iā€™d be probably guilty of it without even knowing it myself

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Correct, besides everyone wants to be black now.