The ref in this camogie game

That camogie association are incapable of running competitions properly. Didnā€™t they fuck up their own championships on more than on occasion?

Itā€™s someone elseā€™s fault, though.

Like anyone cares really.

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Both sides have a fair argument.

DCU proved on video their score should have been 2 points better. The problem was this was not corresponded to UL prior to their final game.

This was then only sorted after UL played that said game and thought they were through. Very messy situation.

A playoff between the 2 teams would be the best end result.

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Youā€™re looking for the least worst solution here. There is no good solution.
Itā€™s hard to keep the score in a game with all thatā€™s going on. Hard on everyone involved.

If it was the men, pj would have this sorted by now.

The camogie association are at fault here.

Gonna be some craic when they and the ladies football have a share of the GAA top table.

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Mary has work cut out with this shower

They must have had sore holes sitting on a metal fence for an hour and a quarter.

Did they ever share this further evidence?

Ah lads :joy:

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Fuck off Cyril Kavanagh

As stone wall as stone wall gets. A wall of pure stone of a penalty

Did they just hand over a toaster for the player of the match.

What happened?

Out in the car there running an errand and on Radio One they said it was a controversial finish with a few Kilkenny players and mentors in on the ref at full time.

Didnā€™t see the last 3 mins as the thunder knocked out the TV for a while, but before that a Cork forward was clean through, and a kilkenny player hauled her down with a jersey pull and the ref said play on. Tā€™was scandalous

In fairness the ref may well have been unsighted
They should stop making losing POTMā€™s having to give interviews straight after theyā€™ve lost.


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