The ref in this camogie game

Apparently one of the Oulart girls got married yesterday. No sign of a hangover here so far. The Galway girls are in danger of being sent home with their tae in a mug.

Jesus that was some belt

Some score from Niamh McGrath.

Sarsfields will win this yet.

Cracking dive there from number 15!

Great player

Orlaith McGrath doesn’t seem to be playing at all. On that basis I’ll reverse my prediction and give Oulart the nod. Some great Oulart names involved here.

Never seen Nowlan Park in such poor condition

Not in the game. Very poor match. Will tune in for the last 15 mins. Getting roasted on the hb line

This is incredible

Just watched the last 15 mins. The ref deserves huge credit for calling throws

Some brilliant passages of play here



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Una Leacy scoring a hat-trick of goals despite having no cartilage in either knee. Iconic.

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One thing that was very apparent was that the Oulart team was backboned mainly by a group well into their 30’s @peddlerscross. Seems to be the same issue in camogie as in the hurling.

Wexford camogie seemed to fall into the doldrums very quickly after JJ Doyle left. Presume it was also because a lot of these better players were relative veterans and departed the scene too.

What’s the problem, she was charging, free all day.

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And even more so in Camogie iirc

Charging. She was already on her fourth step entering the tackle. Even if her opponent stepped aside she’d have over-carried.

Whats the story here? Seems like theres a bit of fuckery in the background on all sides

I wouldn’t mind a bit of fuckery with Anna what?!

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