The ref in this camogie game

Very suspicious stuff out there at the death. Thats what you’re up against though

Ah he’s atrocious. Gonna linger around Tipp Camogie for the rest of his life

Not a great look that the winners of the Intermediate and Premier Junior are both ‘big’ counties 2nd teams.

They are training with top level players generally in top level facilities compared to the lower teams.

2 or 3. The Bergin girl would be Durrow I think

Oh sweet jesus

Fucking hell, this interview

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What a fucking ape


The tactical nous of a monkey I’d say

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My god that was something else.

Acts like one alright.

Pity he didn’t throw in a ‘nobody believed in us’

There’s a couple of O’Connor girls there I’d have thought would be on it. Maybe they are away doing the travelling bit

A poor reflection I think of both lady organisations having men at the helm as president.

Jesus this is poor stuff.

Ger Canning absolutely sucks the life out of things when doing Camogie (as if this wasn’t poor enough in the first place).

The obsession with mentioning the wides total every fucking time the ball goes out is nauseating.

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Top level Senior Club Camogie far better than this.

The unfortunate thing that happens a lot is you’d get the ‘I’m not playing with our County B team!’ type stuff…so really you end up with a lot of girls even below the 2nd string and are just happy to put a county jersey on.

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Cork no 15 looks to be the pick of their forwards

Remind you of Seanie Leary

Fanta on the line for Cork :sweat_smile:

Very poor crowd at this is there?