The ref in this camogie game

Great score

Orlaith is involved. Siobhan is not.

Some interclub politics I’d imagine. Interestingly Sarah Spellman hasn’t been involved this year either.

A wee bit theatrical there Laura

He should go games this throw in

The fuck is the ref doing

Ah ffs you cunt of a ref

Horrendous refereeing in fairness

Hard to get the breaks when you’re the smaller fish :sleepy:

Both the Fahie girls should have started this game

Ah fuck you ref

Ah this is devastating

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Laois will be sick

Laois always find a way to lose

3 times for these girls this year. They’ll be broken after this

You just can’t beat tradition.

Fahie sisters save Tipperary

A Bill Mullaney masterclass

He’s a lucky useless fuck

Was there many Harps girls on that?

Jesus, we couldnt buy a fucking free whereas Tipp were getting them at their ease.