The Roaster Thread

There was a few of them at it.

Have you ever been to Moate? I’d well believe it

That would happen in Moate today


If Phil Lynnott turned up in Moate today, I wouldn’t blame anyone for staring and thinking it was the most exciting thing ever



Fashion shoes :clap:

Good man Buff.

I think his family have had some hardships in the past?

To be honest, what he is wearing is what I’d imagine a significant portion of TFKers would wear if there was a TFK Christmas party. The rest would be in Sambas.


They have, ah Buffs alright.

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I hope he and his family had a lovely day today.

As the man himself would say, hail hail


“The Gooch” must have a collection of some of the worst shirts ever.

Get Ta fuck…

Had a savage roaster feed there in the Old Walls in Liscarroll.

By god it was unrale.

He has some money spent on the place

Tis like something you’d see above in the city

Lovely spot in fairness. Fine outdoor area too.

They’ve 150 booked in for this evening.

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Even when it was an absolute shithole they had a good lunch trade. Fuck all around there is definitely a market for decent grub there and he will pick up plenty parties in due course with the beer garden and the whole set up

He has spent a heap on the thatch in dromina too… 2 unusual investments you could say

You could say that. Any history with it?

Has who history with what?

Ah well, that is one for another day

Do you know him… Lot of head scratching going on