The Roaster Thread

Roasterpalooza segment there on the news from Esker Hills Golf Club.

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Another level


The one word I got was ‘farmer’ - as if he needed to say…

They are fucking animals. There was 10 or 12 of them watching a game in a pub recently I was in. Fully togged in mayo gear. Anyway there must have been about 7 women aged maybe 45-55 amongst them and I’d never seen the likes of it. The roaring and shouting from the minute the ball was thrown in was unreal. Abusing the ref. Jeering the oppositions wides. At one stage one of the ladies who lets just say wouldn’t fair too well on soft ground had obviously taken her eye of the game. As they showed a replay of a mayo point from earlier. She roared and bellowed at the top of her voice thinking it was live much to the amusement of the rest of the pub. She turned to the rest of the crew. the rest of group were silent obviously knowing it was a replay and paused for maybe 5 seconds before joining it with more roars awkwardly clapping and yahooing. I’d never seen the likes of it.


The real famine and the football famine destroyed the Mayo psyche, forever.


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Whatever one goes in the world their is always some clown with a mayo jersey.

A man here in his 60s on the train to Tralee after pulling out a pound of ham and is currently eating it with his hands from the plastic wrapper. The poor woman beside him, (much younger than him and pretty glamorous looking, so is presumably of no relation) is mortified.

Given the destination of the train, I am presuming he will alight at Rathmore or Farranfore. At least a Tipp roaster would have a bit of bread and butter with it.

The single worst display of roasterishness I’ve seen in a while.


I often eat sliced meat like that

He’s clearly an early adopter of the carnivore craze.

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You’ve told us the park bench story already.

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You’re poisoning yourself buying that over the counter stuff

I love a few slices of beef and a boiled egg

You obviously didn’t see the video of your man eating raw sausages at the Mart.


I’d say they were boiled, I know of a fella who does that and eats them cold, a roaster as well as it happens

No chance, they were raw.

That was at the ploughing, they were definitely raw

A friend of mine drove the legendary Bob Mould of Husker Du/Sugar around a few gigs in Ireland a good few years back. When they stopped at a petrol station in Athlone, Bob bought a couple of packs of Carrolls ham and ate it slice by slice on the journey

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Fucking animals. That poor woman having to endure that savage wolfing into the ham. She will probably go vegan now.

Where did he wipe his hands and if he did, how?