The Roaster Thread

Fair play to her, I hope she got a winner

God bless him


Some man for 68 unlike the state of Iar Taoisigh Ahern and Cowen. After saving the country you would have thought he would have a quiet retirement. Hup Mayo!

A Fine Gael leader fraternising with royals.

It wouldn’t be the first time.

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12 but may as well have been zero as I got the tractor one wrong.



Wtf about the rosary answer?

You’ll have to take that one up with one of the clergy who posts here. Fr.Jack had the relevant phrase for it.

I thought there was three to be honest but as that wasn’t an option I picked the closest.

Joyful, glorious and sorrowful. Don’t know what the fourth one is.

@Rocko is it legal to be posting photos of under 18s?

@Rocko the image is from the Dundalk Democrat website and is already in the public domain. I will delete it, however. We’ve already had entries to this thread of young lads with tractors on debs night

My post was tongue in cheek but you took the correct course of action

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I think you were right actually mate to be fair

Luminous mysteries ( Thursday ) added by JP2 in 2002. It’s a mystery why this happened but there you go.

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One of a couple of faults with that quiz, your standard roaster would still be working off the 3 mysteries learnt in the 80s and wouldn’t be at all aware of the recent add-on. I’m also fairly sure that cow shown is a red freisian, she has a decent bag, is very angular and has her tail clipped. Almost definitely a roaster quiz set by a townie.

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My Kilkenny auld fella has been insufferable since they lost the All Ireland. Tinfoil hat type conspiracy theories all over the shop. Anyway we were at an u14 Hurling match yesterday. We were leaning on the fence while both panels warmed up. Both panels had at least 2 players of Asian or African descent. We were standing close to groups of parents from both teams and pretty close to the players. The conversation went something like this.

The aul lad (loudly cos he is mostly deaf) : Did you see that big black fella Kilkenny minors had playing?

Me (in a mortified whisper) : Eh yeah i think i did

The aul fella : Best fucken player they had!

Me : Really?

The aul fella : Imagine being black and being from Kilkenny! You’d never get a fucken free!

Me (In a louder mortified whisper) Dad, you can’t say that!

The aul lad. Course I can fucken say it. Referees have been robbing Kilkenny for 50 fucking years!



cc @Raylan


You may as well close the thread after that one.

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