The Roaster Thread

He’s drawing roaster power from two backward counties.

Ah here…

I was sitting in a restaurant earlier and a couple beside us were ordering at the same time. The ordered a pint of milk with his dinner :grin:

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Perfectly normal behavior mate,

With or without fennel?

I’d always have a glass of milk with the dinner.

What’s odd is grown men having a glass of coke with a dinner.

Lapsed poster @THE_LINK_WALSH appears to have wintered well.

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Some roasters out in Bruff last night. Choc full of them boozed to the gills.
Passed through Limk city on way back and it was full of young students on some kind of GAA jersey night out. Roasters in waiting .

County Colours boi


A bumper crop on the Six One news today


Some top notch roaster spotting there.

:smiley::smiley:I noticed that growler too and was going to stick him up.

There’s some bang off that shirt I’d say, some bang.

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Second pic roaster whipped out a vape. There was a young lad with him in what looked like a Mayo jersey, which explains a lot. Not sure what a farmer from Mayo would be doing in Carlow unless he was selling rocks.

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The laugh on the lad back left makes it

@Tank was really fired up that day

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I was hoarse after about 5 minutes of that.