The Roaster Thread

ÁINE Chambers. A grand girl.

A great girl to swim.

She’s all over YouTube, I’ve enough posted. Even Podge and Rodge had he.

Aine is mad into the dogging I’d say.

Mayo have gotten inside your head.

She looks like the sort of wife a long distance lorry driver would be singing about getting home to.

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Papa loved Mama
Mama loved men
Mama’s in the graveyard
Papa’s in the pen

Big time Swing for Ireland lass. She’s a more pc version of Carla4Garda.

Every second of this video is roaster

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smashing picture that


Thats class.Marty Mone is a legend.Hit the Diff is my favourite though

I know someone who I think I could put in the roaster category.
They’re from a farming background, love big portions for the dinner, sneeze out loud, go for shits in the spare bathroom, always wear shirts, even on days off, talk to you while tucking shirt into pants with pants open.


What nuance does “going for a shit in the spare bathroom” confer?



I’d imagine it’s that it’s so bad it wouldn’t be fair to use the same one as everyone else.

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total roaster behaviour. It’s like using the back door of the house as the front door all the time.

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The great @Phil_Leotardo from the Sopranos was getting a good nagging from his missus in the kitchen. He held up his hand, stopping her in mid sentence and uttered the immortal words. “I’m gonna try and take a shit”.


Normal behaviour.