The Roaster Thread

Ah twould be roaster enough in the countryside. Front door and good room only used for relations or special occasions. Townies, along with weak lungs, wouldn’t get it.

I think I’m.falling perilously close to NOGRA.

Politicians call to the front door only also.

I only ever use the back door of the house.

Having a driveway that goes around the house too to park at the back door

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Sure ye wouldn’t bring the shopping in the front door

The front door is never used in my parents’ house

The complicated two-door procedure and amount of things that need to be moved out of the way mean the front door at home is essentially an ornament

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Only a stranger would go to the front door of my parents’.


Proper order too

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Who uses front doors any more? Townies?


Must be.

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People in terrace houses

Back door, unlocked.

Don’t knock until you get to the utility room to kitchen door.


Shit lads. It’s possible that I’m a roaster. We employed the back door policy(ahem) for years at home. You’d be suspicious of anyone who called to the front. Or just not answer.


Welcome onboard mate.

Was that not just because you called your front door a back door on the planning application?


No the front door is, and always has been, the front door. Its located at the side of the house.


So your front door is at the side of the house. Where is your side door then? At the back of the house?

We’ve no side door you mad bastard. We’ve a front and back door. Anymore doors and the gaff would be a wind tunnel.

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