The Roaster Thread


That’s Cllr. Gurn if I’m not mistaken and the cut of him. We know who eat the Manor pies…

Also known as Phat Felim,a bollix.


Ah lock the thread. Wonkly_toe has finally won something.

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Do you see the fuckin’ eejit wearing the mask?


All of this. One thing that’s noticeable is how thin people were.

There used to be a roaster thing back in the 80s before the general public had nice things where a family usually of roasters would gawp at some bloke who’d pull up in a town on a nice motorcyle or classic car. They’d gawp as if it was some spaceship that came down from outer space.


Farmer roasters love to wear the wooly hat kind of laid on top of the head.

The spuds, meat and veg diet must have kept them thin. Paddy can’t handle these exotic foreign foods and sauces.

This reminds me of a story a mate of mine from Moate told me.

In the late 70s Phil Lynnott stopped his limo in Moate and went in for a pint on his way to a gig in Galway. As my friend put it 'we had never seen a limo or a pair of leather trousers and we had certainly never seen a 6ft3" black man. There was a couple of hundred people gathered outside the pub to greet a bemused Philo when he emerged after his couple of pints. The most exciting thing that ever happened in Moate apparently.

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A young lad caught rotten rooting up his beak as well.

There was a few of them at it.

Have you ever been to Moate? I’d well believe it

That would happen in Moate today


If Phil Lynnott turned up in Moate today, I wouldn’t blame anyone for staring and thinking it was the most exciting thing ever



Fashion shoes :clap: