The Roaster Thread

Some hurler

How’s he doing these days?

Impressive website.

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Jesus Caul Pollins has some size of a head on him! Does he suffer from some weird form of gigantism entirely localised around his head or something.

Everything about the bloke in this video, especially the jeans and shoes.

More of it. Sweet jesus. Slab Murphy’s outhouse?

Boot cut jeans? Yep. Waistcoats and jeans combo? Yep. Cultivated 5 o clock shadow? Yep. Loads of hair gel? Yep. Shirts with white collars? Yep.

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Try concentrating on the fine looking ladies featured instead mate

He’s quite a mover :+1:

There’s some lovely shirts on them videos cc @balbec


They love that craic up around Tyrone cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Fermanagh, Monaghan, Donegal, Tyrone, Armagh and Leitrim is Irish country music mecca

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Roscommon and Cavan too

Bidda Lord.



Chemical burn?

Sure as there’s shite in a goose it wasn’t from a burning bláá anyway.

Epidermal capillaries ravaged from Cocaine :face_with_monocle:he probobly has a deviated rectum too from bad porter :face_with_monocle:

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Rosacea I’d say.

I was doing the dinner for the folks today. Went full roaster. 3 pots boiling. Boiled Shpuds. Boiled Ham (with full carrots in the ham water too). Boiled cabbage in ham water of course, and boiled to within an inch of its life.

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That sounds like two pots

1 shpuds
2 ham with full carrots
3 Cabbage in ham water
I even put full stops between them in the description.