The Roaster Thread

This thread is gas. One day you’ve lads on here saying they’d rather sup porter with an honest, baler twine holding up the trousers, roaster than a latte drinking Caherdavin townie. The next day, “Shane Dowling is a roaster”.


Yeah, but look at the absolute spanner that posted it.

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Connacht Connacht Connacht.

How many Celtic crosses have you got you silly cunt?

giphy (5)

Who is that?

His barnet is having a rife laurgh…

I never saw The Dow drink a latte. Good man for a rock shandy though.

You’ve clearly never been in the VIP suite at NAP

As Mike O’Connells menswear staff might say “you’d want to go another size up in that top”


Hello Shane

If all else fails, throw in an auld insult.

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Hate to disapoint Flatty but we don’t have a VIP suite. We don’t even have a latte machine.

Its all there in my head.

Is Andy a ‘roaster’ ?

Andy’s doing podcasts with Paddy Andrews. It could be the next west cork

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Well there’s a contrast alright.



Seedy is some roaster.

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