The Roaster Thread

The lad on the right on the phone home to Mammy (who’s in her 90s) to tell her they’ll be late so don’t start making the tae just yet

“quick quick turn on the telly!”

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Spot @Thomas_Brady on the right.

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There’s the benchmark for you. Ticks all the boxes. Worthy of 30+ likes…


Is that Danny Healy Rae?

RTE cut to a crowd shot during a break in play around half way through the second half of Galway-Mayo today. They zoomed in on some auld lad wearing a brown suit along with a shirt and tie combo and a Mayo headband tied around his neck. He must have been sweating buckets.


Yup pants rolled up. It was warm in Killarney. God decided to let the sun shine on kerry. Nothing to do with global warming

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Ah lads! There was an amount of roasters in the stands on tv the last 2 days. Some classics. The auld bucks from Mayo, one with the blazer, the other with the bodhran, some big lad from Cork in the terrace today.

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The biro and phone in the shirt pocket is the pièce de rèsistance. My ould lad also utilised the shirt pocket for the wage packet with notes hanging out of it look.

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What’s in his left paw? Apart from the programme

The visor he wears instead of a mask :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Looks like one of those half face visors ffs

It looks like the packaging from a boules set for the beach

My pal Scalder has a DIY one of these fashioned from a 3ltr water bottle. It’s adorned with a couple of strips of red & black insulating tape. It’s a fashion item in fairness.r


I saw a great thread on fb showing all the home made masks in the states from March 2020. It was glorious


Junction 14 just now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Queue round the corner for supermacs walked straight up to the salad place and no one in front of me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Printing money


Lock the thread


The roaster and the roosters

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