The Roaster Thread

That’s my overriding mindset in most of my daily encounters these days.


I’m not sure anything will top for me the moment I chuckled to myself at a serious work event when I said to myself “Johnny Sexton concussion watch”


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What’s the story here? A British lass living in Bally’b?

Kerry woman who went over specifically to stand in a que for 14 hours in a Kerry jersey to see a coffin.

Madness, though hopefully some DUP loyalists saw someone in a GAA jersey in the queue.

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I think there’s a rota in Kerry, or maybe a form of conscription - you could get called up to wear your Kerry jersey at the US Masters, the French Open or the funeral of a Monarch.


plastic paddy wagon

Looks like they’re back in fashion again.

Never went out of fashion. Just need to cut off one or two damaged frayed ends with a scissors and good to go for the winter :sunglasses:

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Probably a repost from some stage but worth an auld share


I seen that on Twitter earlier,when the video cut to his shoes I immediately thought of this thread :grinning:


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Both eligible. That shirt on the salesman barely tucked in, and the tie in no man’s land (did someone take a scissors to it)

I don’t see a whole lot of roaster on show there now!

Ah lads, that’s a classic. The jeans. He’s the type of fella who would be rampant on Plenty of Fish or Swing for Ireland once he gets home from the gig and is relaxing with a mug of tea and a post gig horn.

Jeans bring me back to early 2000s. The wet would move up your leg by capillary action.


Why is the name of Jesus would the camera focus on the shoes and Jeans?

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Who’s that?

Pat Ryan

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