The Roaster Thread

You’d see lads paddling round the jacks in them, and piss climbing steadily north. You’d want to throw them out on the doorstep.


Jaysus! BDE is in the junior league now

Not sure if this is the most apt thread for this


You’ll have @Bod95 with his boot on your throat when/if he sees this.
He’s already dispatched an important bidnessman in defence of his adopted county.


I don’t know where to start with this one @anon67715551 WH LK in unison🤣

I think it may be covered by the wing mirror pal.




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Didn’t realise Kiely was a FF man. Has he political aspirations?

He is a teacher

Kiely is mad Fianna Fail. Always was.

Sportsday 2009 was in the run up to the local and European Elections and Sean Kelly the ex-GAA President came in around the school for a look and possible photo opportunity only to be told where to go by Kiely.

Not all teachers vote FF

This never happened. Surely Sean Kelly (or his “team”) would have called ahead and the teachers would have known he was coming? If Kiely did clear him out of the place, then that was bad form.

Sam Lies GIF by Play Sports

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Some good dancing here

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I spotted one in Heuston Station during the week.

Youngish guy, dressed in a shirt open down to his chest which was completely out of sync with the weather conditions.

He also wore jeans with a pair of shiny back shoes with a noticeable heel.

He pulled a packet of cigarettes from somewhere and took the fag from the box with his mouth.

He carried a bag over his shoulder with his hand and you just knew it was the bare minimum of what he needed for his trip and may have resulted in him doing a Mr Totti and wearing the shirt two days in a row.


Reminds me of the time we went to the rose of Tralee in 00,we were in Sheridan’s having a pint waiting on Pat Silo.Pat turns up and one of the lads says where’s your bag Pat?Pat pulls out a pair of socks from his pocket “that’s all I need for the few days” says Pat.



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