The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

He had a 2nd row standing in the outside centre spot for the first… I’d give him little bit of leeway there maybe

Carbonell was the french star that year and Arthur Vincent was in the centre… Bith in French squad at weekend… Vincent started the game

Carbonell starts for Toulon every week

Appears to be a very cautious approach to the integration of players into the squad. I’m not overly convinced by Andy Farrell either. We hired the wrong English man, should have appointed Stuart Lancaster.

Some players are promised the shop window to get into the Lions. Sexton is a prime example of this. BOD playing to 2014 was a factoring in the 2015 loss in the world cup

They do the world Cup cycles wrong. First of all the central contracts for over 30s should not be renewed. No last hurrahs for the goys either. No hanging on for Lions tours

I’ve full faith in farrell. He has the right plans and the game plan is effective and not brutal on the eye. Hes the right man for the jon

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Exactly. Straight away the narrative after Japan was building for four years away. Insane.

I got a gift of James Haskells book for Xmas. I had low, very low, expectations. There is a load of bantz in it as you’d expect… But he doesn’t spare anyone in it tbf… He is unbelievably critical of Lancaster in it… Slates him as being full of corporate speak bullshit… Randomly repeats regularly that Lancaster brings his family to loads of team events for free food and drink…


His leadership course keeps being advertised to me. Anyone who believes in these courses/books/talks/theories are full of shit. Some amount of fellas coining off it too


Can’t recall off hand, wasn’t part of reason Haskell went to Otago cos Lancaster dropped him from squads? Could be remembering wrong mind you

You’re at nothing without a Paul McGinley leadership conference.


Don’t know exact timings but he went from France to Japan to NZ and was picked by Johnson for the 11 WC while he was in France … And Lancaster brought him to 2015 WC… So I’d say that point isn’t correct… I only skim read the book tbf

Fair play to McGinley making a whole new career for himself from picking a few four ball pairings


Exactly that. Mental stuff! It’s bizarre.

Was interviewed recently on OTB, you could smell it off him

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I think this is all wrong. This is talked out about every year in the media and what not but it never happens in camp. The Irish manager is under savage pressure to perform in the six nations every year and is rarely given a free pass for poor performances.

In recent years France and England have done massive clear outs four years out and built towards a World Cup. There is never an appetite for experiment in the six nations with Ireland.

In 2018 we were an excellent team but 12 months later players form had gone. The likes of best were finished.

If Ireland were focused on building for the World Cup earls, sexton, Murray and maybe stander would not be starting.


Get the man who failed abysmally for England at the world.cuo to.manage Ireland

That’s a valid point. Although he did win a Champions Cup with Leinster. Maybe Stuart McCall is the man we need.

Does this mean anything at all???

His Glasgow Rangers background might not deem him suitable