The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

I thought they were going to build a white elephant in Connacht?

Any day now.

I have been told there’s massive problems in the Leinster camp beneath the surface.

Cullen is trying to keep everyone happy by mixing and matching and squad rotating while Lancaster wants a smaller squad and to keep picking the same team every week.

The whole thing is a mess.

Look at out-half for instance. They have Sexton, Ross Byrne, Harry Byrne and Crawley. If Nucifera hadn’t forced their hand they would also have Carbery still too. They certainly don’t need any foreign acquisitions on top of that.

Ireland had the firm backing of the referee throughout and still lost, which is rare in rubby

That was with government money though, the IRFU had no interest. Sure when the TD driving it wanted to meet the IRFU and offer them another €10m of taxpayers money in exchange for a photo op the lads in Dublin wouldn’t even do that. It was no surprise then the good people of Galway West turfed him out first chance they got.

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I must say you get a far better brand of rugby match report and post match analysis onTFK than anywhere else.


A mess that’s the envy of pretty much all others

Is that really still the case?

Mother of jaysus :joy::joy::joy::joy:

You’d have fellas who claim to hate the sport of rugby spending a week analysing the match and the sport as the whole in the aftermath.


Gerry Thornley correctly noting in the Paper of Record that French footwork and ballast was a key factor

The lads who hate rugby and the #teamofus are very knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the provincial system and spend a nawful amount of time dissecting the performance of the team.

You’d be a fool to be commenting on here on something you know nothing about. That would be like me going into the horse racing threads. Is that what we want to start happening here?

Who’d say no to having too much talent versus the opposite?

Just tell us that Willie Mullins has a horse for the bumper that no one has seen yet that is the best in the yard.

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I love checking on the national team during the ‘big’ competitions. I don’t think I watched any of last year’s six Nations or if I did it was minimum. I hardly recognized much of the team yesterday… the only familiar thing was the team shitting their togs.

You knew Andrew Porter looked like a penis. An astute observation for a casual fan.

Its not good for the talents health when they’re handed over to the likes of Joel Schmidt though.


Who is Willie Mullins?

Whats a bumper?