The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Held up surely

Be some Craic from Quinlan and me man if that was awarded to Australia

Thought it was held up too tbh but weā€™ll take it.

Bit of karma this Aussie cunt going off injured. Had been mouthing and cheap shotting much of the game

These Aussie fuckers never saw muck before

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He has to go here

Certain red. Shocker of a tackle

Bye bye

Should have been red

Thatā€™s incredible, Cert of a red. Lucky boy gets away with a yellow

Jaysus thatā€™s another sickening head clash. Rugby is fucked lads

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Two lads absolutely bolloxed on the ground. Thatā€™s stomach churning

SH have been reffing head contact different. See super rugby final other day for example

Games gone

Ah would you stop, what a farce :joy:

Bonus Point win secured at the death. Ireland Ireland Ireland.

Only right to have a double-barrel surname coming off the bench there for the PWCā€™s

Gleeson is some operator

Youā€™d wonder about some of the decisions given there, the influence of PWC may have held some sway.

I donā€™t think refs really bother with red cards under the new ruling, itā€™s up to the TMO to review it during the sin bin period and decide if the yellow should be upgraded to red, it probably will be in that case.
For the 2nd head clash, I donā€™t understand why those in charge of the sport donā€™t do something about ball carriers dipping into tackles like that. Surely if the defending player has to go low for player protection then the attacking player should have to stay upright for the same reason.

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I think the way the game has gone the entire thing is simply unmanageable. I genuinely cant see how or why anyone would let a child get involved in it. Some of the hits there were sickening to see for teenagers.


Heā€™ll have to get 10+ senior appearances next season in Celtic league of whatever they call it now. Heā€™s not far off ready, just a bit young to put in the firing line of too much attrition.

Edit: had him mixed up with the hooker.

Gleeson had some game alright. Am I right in saying he didnā€™t start the last match?