The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Iā€™d also just wonder is Jack Crowley actually a 12? He doesnā€™t control a game like sexton or o gara. Not yet anyway.

I was very disappointed in him at the weekend. Heā€™s a very good player but I wonder would he be best suited to 12. Id have no worries about him defensively anyway.

Both of those outcomes are highly unlikely. You have an awful set on Andy Farrell. Heā€™s done a fine job. Unfortunate at the World Cup but by far our best effort of the professional era.


It wasnā€™t by far our best effort.

It was a total disaster and he slept walked into it.

By god you really havenā€™t a clue.

Itā€™s you that havenā€™t a clue im afraid.

Name a better World Cup weā€™ve had so? 1991 but it was before the professional era. Thereā€™s a spoofer in IRFU circles alright, but that spoofer is Leo Cullen. You could name 13 Leinster players in an Ireland 15 and there would be very little room for argument. The Leinster boys plus Crowley and ex-Leinster academy player Beirne. Aki and Hansen if fit.

Was THAT Irelands best World Cup :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Wait, where is Kyle?

See thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong.

Andy Farrell is a total spoofer. Heā€™s a woeful selector and heā€™s picking squads to keep Leinster happy.

19 was by far the worst World Cup along with 11.

Iā€™d have no qualms about the rest of them tbh.

Kyle is in the sin bin. His e-case adjourned until next month.

Oh @kyle, @kyle, @kyle.

I think he is likely best at 12 as wellā€¦but still Munster and Irelandā€™s best option at 10 this season

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Coombes at this stage surely has to be looking to France. Heā€™ll never get a look-in.

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Ah stop. Heā€™s already miles ahead of where sexton was at the same age.

Who said he wasnā€™t?

He can be Irelandā€™s best 10 and still be playing in his second best position

I think he is a brilliant player but has put in a few v loose performances at 10 for Munsterā€¦loves contact and carrying through the line which isnā€™t sustainable at ten IMVHO


Agreed he just doesnā€™t control a game for my liking.


Yep I wouldnā€™t blame him either. Conan out and Doris has been poor.

Coombes seems to be the new axel foley as regards international selection.

He must have done something to rightly piss off farrell


I alluded to it around the time of the World Cup squad.

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I thought he should have been in the Ireland squad a while ago but heā€™s not improved, gone back if anything. He needs to make a convincing case for inclusion. In the biggest game of the year his manager left him on the bench for 55 minutes.