The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Your concern came across pure genuine alright

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Admit your mistake you thundering stook. All they lost today was a game, they leave the bubble tomorrow and that’s when they’ll struggle.

Gway to fuck


Ah Paul, that’s a really poor choice of words

Something similar happened in 2016 against England iirc. I think France may have been missing a couple of players when we beat them by a couple of points in the spring. We had home advantage that day too. The French are coming like a train at underage. That’s three (3) U20 World Cups in a row for them now.

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In a few years it will be just themselves and Leinster in Europe.


French rugby is a commercial juggernaut. Their focus on the 2023 World Cup will be a positive for rugby overall as they have taken their eye off just buying in foreign stars and are reducing their salary cap.

Tbf, you might actually be genuine with this comment but ordinarily you sneer and smear so often, genuine comments get lost in your regular tides.

It’s mad to think that brilliant French 9 may struggle to get a dozen or so senior caps. He was sublime all tournament and even today, he fucking counter rucked our backrowers at one stage. Unreal.

But he has the world’s best player ahead of him who still has his prime years ahead of him and there’ll be no shortage of other 9s knocking in time to come too. The French love their small general at 9.

Appears the French have sorted it well on their way to sorting their development issues anyway.

How old is Dupont now?

The only hope for us is the cunt gets bored of it all. Him choosing to play 7s for the Olympics is one sign he might actually be.

For reference, Galthie was 34 retiring from France and Parra was 31 and should have had.more caps.

That lad tonight by the time he’s hitting 25 has a queue of other lads also waiting for DuPont’s jersey.

Just watched it there with the oul fella. At least it didn’t put too much strain on his heart. Was similar to the final in 2016 (I was at it), where we were overpowered, but there’s a lot more athleticism and intelligence in that french side than there ever is in an English one. France did exactly the same to the tans in the semi final, just blew them away in the second half. Second place in the world is.a remarkable effort all the same. That’s a great Irish side. They looked a year a man younger. That gap will narrow as players develop, trouble is, half them will be fucked by the age of 26.
Thought the ref was fair.
The crowds have been appalling throughout for whatever reason I’m not sure.


FOAD you prick

I can tell you’re finally being genuine


I love you man - sleep well

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Pace of this All Blacks v SA game is mental

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Some pace to the opening of NZ v SA!

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Ha! Snap

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New Zealand have sorted their scrum anyway