The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Thatā€™s woeful stuff

Plan B is more of Plan A

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Although it can work ā€¦

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This is poor stuff

Commitment to your principles

Kolbe can fly

Game on Ger

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Some pass

Some finish

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Smart score. Moaunga is having a decent game

Boks didnā€™t convert enough in their purple patch, the Faf kick out on the full and the missed two points were both errors they couldnā€™t afford after the first half

Beaten fairly comfortably in the end. Doesnā€™t look like theyā€™ve evolved much - what you see is what you get.

Jayzus :man_facepalming:t2:

Thatā€™s why they donā€™t drop goal the conversions more I suppose

Iā€™d forgotten how much Chiekaā€™s voice grates. The cunt would make a decent ventriloquist as he speaks entirely through his nostrils

Will Jordan is some operator


Brave attempt of last ditch tackle by argie.

Zero atmosphere at this match

Quade Cooper seems to have been around forever.

Try Argentina.

Argies appear to have the lionā€™s share of possession