The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

Back last week after long injury lay off.

He is around donkey years tho. Straight from school into the Reds setup.

Great tackle!

Aussies living off mistakes.

Is his first name Carly? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit: Carter

Argentina finally get over near enough the very end of the sin-bin period

What was the Argie 9 at there :man_facepalming:t2:

And 12

Thought the ref could have blown penalty other way then for holding on. Big swing

He won’t have scored too many handier tries

Walked it in.

Argies doing well to expose Aussie outside defense rushing in. Taking a whallop to set man on the outside.

Look like their losing their heads a little now tho, always a fear with these Latinos!

Brainless root there

Argies 10 pt start looking to have been decent.

It wasn’t the Latino discipline at fault there

Argentina have deserved that, been on the front foot for most of the last twenty minutes

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Off to a stag with a load of Kilkenny cunts. Cheers for the beers Eddie.

Edit: gulp…

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Holy shit!

Some turn around

Hopefully they’ll buy you a few rounds :confounded:

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Ohhhhhh noooooo

The rugby gods are fair

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Argentina win again at their favourite stadium.