The Rugby Thread (Part 2)


Mahony and Beirne will have to win it

Big scrum now

Another 30mins of scrums like that is daunting

Front row- every fucking year

Casey in a fucking ambulance since half time

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Sign that Australian prop ta fuck

Take the points Jack

Big monent here…nail d fuckin lineout


Where’s my fly halve ?

Crowley needs to grab a hold of this. It’s like 7s out there.

Zebo should have been off

Munster have about 6 fellas running on fumes

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He’s hobbling but fuck all he could do about that. Brilliant try

Synman and Daly have it too

Impossible to attack off ball thrown to the front of the lineout

80mins for Archer ? Say a prayer

Turnstile a deux

Game over.

In fairness they fucked it up in the group phase.