The Sawdoctors

I don’t take comedians seriously Puke. That is kinda their point.

But this was cringe. Unwatchable. Nauseating.

As you said I would rather listen to him talking shite than the other fuckers preach but don’t tell me there is anything good about anything he has ever done.

Except to maybe put a mirror up to the public to show us how utterly stupid we are that we buy this lad’s records.

The guy has made a good few bob out of people who find his stuff ‘mildly entertaining’. Then there are the poor lads out there with actual talent trying to break into the music industry and can’t but he gets through the net.

[quote=“The Puke”]in fairness anyone that listens/watches richie kavanagh and gets offended or takes anything he does serious is beyond help…

a harmless auld crator with a few handy songs that are mildly entertaining…to be honest i would rather listen to poor auld richie sing that listen to bob geldof and bono preach and talk down to the rest of us…[/quote]

Fuck that puke, he’s an awful cunt and listening to him would give you a pain in your hole. I take great offence at the shite he pedals. But then its the fucking idiots who buy it that I feel even more sorry for. Fair play to Richie if he’s in on the joke, but I’m not sure he is.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I don’t take comedians seriously Puke. That is kinda their point.

But this was cringe. Unwatchable. Nauseating.

As you said I would rather listen to him talking shite than the other fuckers preach but don’t tell me there is anything good about anything he has ever done.

Except to maybe put a mirror up to the public to show us how utterly stupid we are that we buy this lad’s records.

The guy has made a good few bob out of people who find his stuff ‘mildly entertaining’. Then there are the poor lads out there with actual talent trying to break into the music industry and can’t but he gets through the net.[/quote]

stay with her johnny is a great song farmer…i take on board your point alright…another thing that annoys me is the amount of people that give out about ‘wee’ Daniel O Donnell, I don’t don’t think a more harmless singer has been produced in this country, but the amount of bile people have for him is amazing, yet all he ever does is make a few harmless songs and makes the odd appearance on the late late and afternoon tv…

is it begrudgery…

There’s a difference between Daniel and that other fool. Daniel has some modicum of talent (not that it appeals to me) but this other lad is just plain offensive.

A talentless fucker making piles of cash by whoring himself to the auld wans in Ireland with cups of tea?

Not begrudery - just plain wrong.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]A talentless fucker making piles of cash by whoring himself to the auld wans in Ireland with cups of tea?

Not begrudery - just plain wrong.[/quote]

i wouldn’t say its wrong…but there you have illustrated my point…daniel is the definition of harmless and he has found his niche in the market, he doesn’t try and be something he is not, like the time joe dolan brought out that album with a load of recordings of modern pop songs…

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]A talentless fucker making piles of cash by whoring himself to the auld wans in Ireland with cups of tea?

Not begrudery - just plain wrong.[/quote]

Makes the auld ones happy, and he at least displays some degree of talent. One good thing bout O Donnell is you dont come across him much on the radio so he’s easy to avoid.

Anyone who carries on the way Daniel O’Donnell carries on deserves to be ridiculed and outclassed.

The freak.

your easily outraged farmer…i thought you were better than that…

I am sure plenty of other sane minded people would hold a similar view to mine on O’Donnell.

At least I hope they would.

I don’t hate any of these eejits like Kavanagh and Daniel as I regard them moreso as simpletons and figures of fun. It’s the people who make it possible for them to earn a living in the manner they do that deserve my ridicule. I actually think there’s a bit of a want in people who exclusively buy singles, especially the ‘comedy’ singles that appear on the scene every once in a while. Remeber ‘The Langer’ song a few years back - fooking hell, you had retards who thought that was the greatest thing ever. It’s basically the worryingly large portion of our inhabitants who find clichd tripe like Killinaskully and shit like that funny.

I am pretty sure 95% if not more of the sales of that song were in cork…I believe there was a lad down there(dan or caoimhaoin probably:D) going around bulk buying it, similar enough to that ad the GAA had with yourman who kept buying the G-G-G-Galway song…

Seamus Moore. Now that’s what I call a singer. He has a few lovely numbers. My favourites are “Bang Bang Rosie” and “The big bamboo.”

(Something) at the steering wheel and the suckies in the back?

That’s another one of his compositions as well ain’t it?

if an oul wan wants to buy a daniel single so what - who cares - he makes records-they like it- no harm

quote=“farmerinthecity” at the steering wheel and the suckies in the back?

That’s another one of his compositions as well ain’t it?[/quote]

I don’t know that one Farmer. He has a great one about a fly flying around a grocery store. Lyrics are something like this

There was a little fly and he flew into the store,
And he Shhh upon the ceiling and he Shhh upon the floor,
He Shh upon the bacon and he Shh upon the ham,
Abnd he shhh upon the head of the little grocery man.

Thought provoking words.

[quote=“gaillimharais”]i Don’t Know That One Farmer. He Has A Great One About A Fly Flying Around A Grocery Store. Lyrics Are Something Like This

There Was A Little Fly And He Flew Into The Store,
And He Shhh Upon The Ceiling And He Shhh Upon The Floor,
He Shh Upon The Bacon And He Shh Upon The Ham,
Abnd He Shhh Upon The Head Of The Little Grocery Man.

Thought Provoking Words.[/quote]


The Hay Wrap is great

unlikely to be covered by

Scott Walker
The Cure

Did they (Sawdoctors) ever have a song out with the lyrics something like

“What’ll we have for breakfast - Rashers and sausages rashers and sausages…”?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Anyone who carries on the way Daniel O’Donnell carries on deserves to be ridiculed and outclassed.

The freak.[/quote]

would you take a pill or something ffs.

Its not like he’s preaching that the world will end if he doesn’t get their money or flogging dodgy carpet cleaner at these shows.

He’s earning a living, paying his taxes, and employing. And he does it, just like that Richie Kavanagh lad, by not pretending to be someone else.

Neither Daniel or Richie claim to be better than the Beatles, or bigger than U2; nor do they seek attention by “my affair with …” and “shock sex tape” methods.

I respect both men; and many more like them.

Learn to use the remote control Farmer and cop yerself on.