The schools

In fairness anyone who you speak that has been to infected areas will tell you horror stories. It’s kinda been forgotten about now really but a disease ravaging parts of the world. When you see people like your teacher and mine, being in a section of society but dismiss the ethos to concentrate what is correct and for the best interest of the student is refreshing to see

But back to trackies point there isn’t many priests delivering this education now. I’m surprised there is still an element of ethos involved. @backinatracksuit have you come across much of this or have your colleagues told you stories? My belief is teachers will teach the curriculum as directed by the Dept of Education but this an area I have no idea about

I say its similar around Europe but we have come a long way from our past I believe its about 50/50 children born to married/unmarried parents now.

Iggy is a great name for a Priest


Our primary school has a heavy religious influence. Principal sent more messages about religious issues during covid last year than any actual school matters. Weekly updates sent out on mass schedules and stuff. It is what it is, and I suppose its going to be more rural areas where this happens where there isnt much choice about where you can send your kids to school.

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I would have thought most girls are on the pill nowadays once they become sexually active

Teenage pregnancies seem far less common than 15- 20 years ago.

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Was there not a law passed a few years back scaling back religious influence in schools? Or was that a personal choice my the principal? It’s a bit bizarre if you ask me in 2021 but in sure most parents ignored it as they had more pressing issues

It would seem to me that its more the principal rather than the local priest imposing himself on the school. Although we did make national news when he said he would visit the homes of families with children making communion/confirmation to get rid of evil spirits and the devil by doing a “mini exorcism”. Considering what our parish had to deal with 30 odd years ago, it was a terrible start for him. So I think he is taking a fairly relaxed approach ever since.

They’d surely be ahead of us ? Given their liberal attitudes , divorce rates and also considering the age of consent in Spain was 12 or 13 in the 90s and only changed to 16 a few years ago …

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That’s hilarious and incredibly disturbing :rofl:. At least it’s not like a buddy of mine who’s school had a media circus and helicopter flying around their school after the Cloyne report was released

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I wouldn’t have a notion of the numbers.

His history classes were some craic. Half of them ended up with him telling us about some time he was lingered on red wine in the Vatican.

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We had sex ed in 2nd year secondary school from a fairly sound priest. We did always wonder how he was able to describe erections, general horniness and what sex felt like in such great detail :grimacing:

‘We’re warm beings lads, so that’s why our balls need to hang outside. Women are naturally cold so they need to keep them inside’ was his most infamous line that had so many levels to it

Article in local paper. For context, the 8 teachers mentioned are all sub teachers as the staff left there and can’t work with the principal.


So this one developed further. This was an article the following week

Then they had this the following week

And now the school has closed

Principal celebrated the fact she had “8 new teachers” but neglected to say they were substitute teachers in covering the other teachers who have left the school. And then they wonder why they have no teachers in there now relying on subs. How it was left get to this stage is ridiculous.


Oh my heavens, that is one huge mess. Is it closed indefinitely? What happens to the students. Just a mess

If only @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy were here we wouldn’t be long in solving this impassë.
He had nothing but compassion and understanding for the beleaguered múinteóiri.

Reading between the lines it looks like we have the Cushinstown version of Ferguson at the helm.
Whisk her out on stress leave for a few months and allow things to cool down.

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Closed early for easter. She was on the school facebook page looking for sub teachers and obviously didnt get any. All the teachers who are gone are gone for months at this stage now, if not longer, so this was inevitable that a teaching staff of subs would not work long term. Particularly if they could just leave and not on contract and had no obligation to stay there in the mess.

It’ll end badly. A big payout, half a compliment of teaching staff and students not enrolling. Worse than having to start from scratch.

So the principal resigned there at the end of last week. Tough job now to go in and try get nearly 50% staff to fill spots. But should be in a better place anyway. Could have got really messy


Was she made an offer she couldn’t refuse?

Someone like that only goes for monetary reasons