The schools

Alas the country is full of ppl like that

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What’s going on there? A whole pile of nothing said in those articles.

A useless principal who should never have got the job and made absolute shit of it and pissed off her staff to the extent that some quit and another 8 of them took extended leave to get out.


This is a great one. Some parents had taken their kids out and moved them to the next nearest school in New Ross town. Principal here held out and managed to get a post at, well, you can guess. Parents are livid. I cant believe she got another job and just went to the next parish.


Brazen. She had the Board of Management over a barrell there, even knowing what they know about her, she surely got priority as an ex principal of a school ahead of others.

Yeah I’d imagine it was a deal done for her to leave the school that she had to be offered another job first. Otherwise she’d never be employed again.

Fucking hell bang of the Catholic Church off that.

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Wexford is a bit backward

A bit?

You had Wexicans on here for years describing Davy Fitz and Paul Galvin as innovators


A nation holds it’s breath


Game changer incoming.

Would that be so bad?

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What rugby success?

Reaching World Cup Quarter Finals doesnt happen on its own.

stop funding private schools

ban rugby


See there Wexford CBS got a right win over St. Columbas of Stranorlar in the All Ireland semi final yesterday @croppy_boy. Some lads to look out for on the Wexford CBS squad, with 3 Irish internationals and 1 Polish international. They now play Holy Rosary College Mountbellew in the final.

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We’ve enrolled the little lady in the Church of Ireland school in Douglas cc @Locke . Neither of us are from that tradition but we really like the school’s ethos on personal development and me personally don’t want my kids going any where near a peado school.

Any of you lads COI educated?


St. Lukes is a great school, we had our daughter lined up for there too, but then Eglantine came up and that’s where Mrs Locke went to school and it’s just up the road.

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