The Seething thread

Iā€™m fucking seething. I was in Birmingham on business yesterday and had booked the 1830 train to crewe to connect with the manchester train. I got an email and app warning from those cunts at virgin rail that the 1830 was cancelled. The only other train I could get was 1730 to connect, so I cancelled the last meeting, forwent on a free bar and dinner, and left early to get the earlier train. The cunts wouldnā€™t let me on it, as they said that they had made a mistake and the 1830 wasnā€™t cancelled and I refused on principle to pay a ten pound administration fee to change my ticket, even though I was travelling peak time first class cc @Fagan_ODowd
I emailed the customer centre to complain that it was a shoddy way of treating a regular user, and was simply given a patronising run down of how the advanced tickets work, and no acknowledgement that I didnā€™t actually want to get the earlier fucking train but was told to by their fucking email.
Iā€™m fucking incandescent for no good reason the cunts.


Complain via twitter if you actually want a result. Hashtag the bejaysus out of it. Doing it by email is what they want you to do. Private, no effect on their public reputation.

Or wave at it and move on.

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You cut your nose off to spite your face.

I suspect after a pint Iā€™ll go with plan B. Iā€™m. Just wondering whether to cut my nose off to spite my face. Iā€™m headed to. London on weds and if I go standard itā€™ll cost the cunts two hundred quid, but Iā€™ll get no breakfast or tea, and might have to stand for most of the journey.
Fucking wankers.

Go down Tuesday night, stay in a nice hotel and get brekkie there, youā€™ll still probably save 50 quid.

I think itā€™s terrible that a lad traveling first class would get treated like that.




Iā€™m glad you understand bud. Iā€™m sure more than anyone on here you know the feeling.

Could do but I like staying at home

Your seethe is pathetic here flatty. Is there anyone with a bit of decent seethe out there?

Should have brought your driver.

Jeeves wept!


Christian eriksen

Thomas Delaney

JJ Delaney was seething on the GAA hour today. The cynical play of Galway, The ref, not playing enough time etcā€¦

Eaten bread is soon forgotten.


Karma is a bitch


Itā€™ll be karma after every team in Ireland does it to the cunts.

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Would you have a link?

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My podcast died after seven minutes. Was yourā€™s ok?