The Seething thread

Limerick gahliban diverting on this thread

I’ve made a passionate stand against systematic cheating and fixing and all the EPL barstoolers have done is high five each and launch a campaign of smoke and mirros. You’ve clearly never played the game, you just sit on a barstool and shout obscenities.

You’re a fanny…

We now know why you really don’t have sex… Because you cry after it.

Soak it in. The fume is real.

I’ve seen em not given

Mane was touched but it wasn’t a foul imo opinion.


I’ve watched that and you’d need to be off your head to consider that anywhere remotely near a penalty.

It was a fix, I saw the last 10 minutes of that game, it was disgusting what that referee did to Leicester City.

Contact on the ankle. They’ve been given for a lot less.

But that’s football as we know it, no? I used to be aghast by such decisions but learned I was fighting a losing battle … footballers are encouraged to go down if they feel contact — if it had been at the other end you’d have the same detractors here celebrating it and arguing it was a stone waller :man_shrugging:

Good to see big Al Shearer calling out Mane for diving last night.

But that’s not the main point, the main point was a referee who was visibily itching to intervene at every opportunity for Liverpool yesterday, a referee who wanted a Liverpool player to go to ground in that box and when the opportunity came to act on it, he duly obliged.

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Did you enjoy match of the day?

That’s the way it’s gone these days (in many instances) alright. Pricks like Gary Neville going on about “contact”. Was there contact? Ooh I think there was contact. If he felt contact then he had a right to go down.

Oirish lads have been infected by it now. Seamus from Sixmilebridge will be telling the lads in work tomorrow that there was definitely contact and Mane had the right to go down.

I should clarify that I despise Liverpool and it should have been a penalty if Milner made contact with Vardy in the same way in the other box. I’d have said there was definite contact and Vardy had the right to go down.


A right prick that fella.

So it was a deffo peno.

Thank you.

The whole circumstances of was it or was it not a penalty were irrelevant in this case.

It wasn’t a penalty but Kavanagh was going to give it anyway.

If it was a penalty down the other end, he wasn’t going to give it.

The Perez and Salah incidents at seperate ends of the pitch in a matter of moments just told you that Kavanagh had a mission on his mind. It would make Dougie McDonald, Stuart Dallas, Mike McCurry and Stuart Dougal blush.

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It was a penalty. Milner scored it.

It wasn’t but the referee gave it anyway.

You’re Still crying :rofl:…

And you’re still out here trying to put on a facade, inwardly you are ashamed but you don’t have the moral courage or humility to say it.