The Seething thread

Non stop posting about the EPL from you … glued to live 3pm games on Saturdays and watching match of the day that night … you’re the biggest stooler on the forum.


I was watching the tennis yesterday.

I tuned in for the last 10 minutes or so and saw one of the biggest sporting scandals in its history. That incensed me, you spend most of your life on here obsessing over matches you are pretending not to watch on your dodgy TV box.

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The last ten minutes :rofl:

‘A much deserved equalizer’ - that was your comment yesterday … Leicester scored on the 80th minute, so you were obviously watching long before then to make such an observation… and then posted about the game for the next 16 hours and watching MOTD inbetween … you’re an EPL stooler.

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An absolute lie. How could you suggest Leicester deserved an equaliser if you only saw the last ten or so?

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His lies are catching up with him now.

Or so.

Keep up.

Leicester scored on the 80th minute … you were watching for 12 minutes now you are claiming?? And you said Leicester deserved their goal after watching 2 mins of a game? ---- dear oh dear

That would have suggested you were watching all along to suggest they deserved an equaliser. In fairness I got it wrong to say earlier it was 72/73 mins but at least I wasn’t telling porkies . The audit trail doesn’t lie

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My first comment on the game was a deserved equaliser for Leicester yesterday.

I then saw what unfolded after that it sickened my stomach to the core with such an overt display for cheating. What really rattles you and the other Liverpool pond life is that I called what was going to happen before it did, anyone with a brain could see the match official was going to step in and sort this out for Liverpool.

As my pappa said, “that’s not winning”.

And you can put all the bravado and facade you want up, you’re not much of an actor, we can see shame is manifesting itself in your trash talk.

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It would suggest it was my first comment on the game.

I was over on the tennis thread regaling events in the China Open semi final.

You’re trying to mislead people from the facts, I’m always grateful that the audit trail is there to vindicate me.

A deserved equalizer - on the 80th minute just after you tuned it and you had saw fuck all of the game??

By god — admitting that you just make stuff up — how can we trust anything you have to say about football matches - you’re clearly not watching them and you’re letting your bias guide you… that’s disgusting. You’re shouting for fair play with one side of your mouth but then letting out your bias with the other side . You’re a hypocrite

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Lads like Freddie from Fintona and Brian from Barntown will be going buckape at water coolers all over Ireland on Monday morning telling people unprompted that a simple and correct penalty decision somehow amounts to “the biggest sporting scandal of all time”

Then they’ll shout breathlessly that “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams”

People will smile, nod and quickly go on their way


How could you make a comment that it was a deserved equaliser when you claim to have seen none of the preceding 80 minutes? You absolute spoofer

The Freemasons told him

He has dismantled himself here with his lies … Disgusting bias on show and his anti- Liverpool stance is clear for all to see.

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It’s disgusting to say a team deserved their equaliser?

That’s an odd thing to say when the same team were shamelessy and deliberately cheated out of a point or more by a corrupt match official.

It seems you are quite conflicted by what is right and wrong.

Have you had your coco-pops today bud??? - you’re in a bad way here. You’ve shown yourself up something terrible here and it’s very heavy and sad reading.

England’s Calciopoli.

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TFK’s liar.