The Seething thread


Smithers will be along any moment now with ‘murderer’ jibes

There was an English referee alright but Liverpool isn’t in England

Some dedication all the same. Over 12 hours wall to wall EPL action he watched yesterday. He can’t get enough of it.

He’s claiming now he watched none of it.

This could be the defining game of the season

Napoli got a soft one in the CL. These things even out.

It was their first shot FFS

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What united fans would give for a sight of goal nowadays

thats a clamping

barstool murderers seething today

[quote="Cicero_Dandi, post:2252, topic:14945, full:

I remember sobbing on the way home in the car with my pappa driving and I remember him saying “son, it’s all about winning but what happened tonight is not winning”. That’s what I would say about that game.


You mustn’t be from the Sicilian branch of the Cicero’s as your pappa seems a bit of a softy. Pappa Boxty would have been seeking out the residence of the referee to burn it down with him in it. It’s no real good ruminating about perceived miscarriages of justice if you’re on the wrong end, you gotta suck it up. As you say yourself the table doesn’t lie.


My family heralded from Northern Italy.

Fixed that for you.


Johnny Murtagh, after Enable was beaten.

He was unable

The level of posting off Cicero_Dandi on this thread for the past few days has been off the wall. How on earth did the freemason ref post not have 5 likes till I came along?

It appears Cicero has taken quite the beating here.

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been away for the weekend, can someone bulletpoint the last couple of hundred posts for me.
